"Nerves are still frayed even as the cold receded and once more allowed us to attempt to grow some food. Our food stores had never been anywhere close to full but getting so close to starvation had put everyone on edge. Now all we can do is hope we can scavenge enough berries and hunt enough meat to keep us alive until our crops grow..."
Day 13
And back we are again, let's hope some New Years luck rubs off on my colony otherwise this may be one of my shortest ever games of Rimworld. First things first, I am going to order an extension built to the cold storage area so we can cram as much food as possible into it, also I'll start looking into cutting stones and hopefully getting things rebuilt as stone instead of wood.
As if by some curious miracle the AI director has shown me a little mercy it would appear as during the night some cargo pods dropped containing rice, that is going to help a lot to stave off hunger. Angel starts the day off getting food poisoning before finishing planting our strawberries, yuck, hopefully Syd's cooking will improve soon to avoid that. Nicole goes off to try and convince Ash to join us again, I hope she does, one more person would really help right now.
Angel resumes her hunting of the deer herd, I have a feeling the meat from these deer will be what keeps us going along with that windfall from the rice we are definitely not out of the woods yet though. Nicole after twice more failing to recruit Ash goes back to researching which at least gets finished ensuring I can now construct hydroponic basins, things are looking up at least so I set the next research goal to be solar panels just to ensure I am not solely reliant on wood generators. Part of me is pondering where to go next but I think weapons are next after that.
As the evening rolls in another pirate raid enters the map luckily it's only a single pirate so I draft Nicole and Angel and move them into a defensive position at the south of the colony. Though this time Angel and Nicole kill the pirate with two shots to the pelvis before they even got into range. Angel has some serious food poisoning though meaning it takes her a long time to do anything and she is moving slowly, hopefully a good nights sleep will see her recover as this day draws to an end.
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A Gift of Rice from above! |
Day 14
After that food poisoning incident I make sure that for now only Angel does the cooking as it's bad enough we are close to starving without what little food we do have being awful. Syd I assign to making stone blocks so we can build our future structures out of something non-flammable, at least with rocks she won't be doing much harm.
It seems most of my colonists are content to relax today with Nicole cloud watching just as a huge group of visitors arrive lead by a slaver from the Confederacy of Boo. If my food stockpile wasn't so critically low I'd even consider trading to get an extra colonist but there's a long way to go before I feel safe enough getting anyone else unless they wander in on their own.
Not the most eventful of days all said and done as Angel mostly hunted to fill our food stockpile with meat and Syd spent the day essentially making bricks. Nicole again tried to recruit Ash only to yet again fail, I begin to wonder if she really is any good as a warden.
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A large group of visitors, just glad they are friendly... |
Day 15
The day starts off with Angel mostly hunting anything that moves including a doe that went mad and tried to bust it's way into the makeshift prison with Ash inside. However despite Angel's proficiency she took some wounds as it closed into melee range, giving her some bites and bruises that need tending to sooner rather than later.
A mild disaster however as another raid arrives with Angel far from the main colony harvesting berries, the AI director really has it out for me it seems. Before Nicole can get out of the building and Angel can get back the raider makes a bee-line for the generators and starts pummeling them with his club causing more than a few problems.
Nicole for her part was likely more than a little annoyed someone interrupted her research and kills the pirate raider before putting out the fires. Syd whom was cowering inside at the time then moves outside again and repairs the damage done, think I need to really start looking into some serious defences and soon if these raids keep up. Luckily it's only one melee armed person at a time so far but the moment firearms come into play, this could get ugly and fast.
Apparently the scratches and bites from the deer were more severe than I first thought, Angel whom had been off gathering berries collapses in pain. So I send Nicole off to rescue her before she perishes, this is really not good. If we lose Angel to infection then this colony may well not survive it.
Talk about a cliff hanger of an ending for today's blog post! I really should have ordered Angel to rest so, that was likely on me but bites and scratches are rarely much of a worry I guess that'll teach me. Will Angel survive her injuries? Will the colony even make it to winter? Only way to find out is to keep reading! Hope you enjoyed this one and make sure to keep an eye out for the next part!
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Nicole has to rescue Angel whom collapsed in pain from earlier injury. Uh oh. |
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