"We knew it looked like some kind of alpine forest where we landed so we expected it to get cold eventually but mother nature was having the last laugh. The cold snap that hit us killed off most of our fledgling crops and made working outside a battle against frostbite. All we can do now is hope it clears and we can grow more food before it's too late."
Day 10
And back we are again Fox-fans, in the now slightly frozen Fox Republic, running out of food and freezing our collective bits off thanks to the AI director deciding they didn't like us. At the start of this particular day Syd seems to be trying to haul things up to our stockpile whilst Angel continues hunting some of the deer herd to try and bulk out our dwindling food supply. I also order two campfires built outside so they have somewhere closer to run to for warming up.
This really isn't looking good for the colony so far if this cold snap doesn't end soon the food supply will run out. Even if it does end soon we may not have enough to get us through the winter either so it's now going to be key for Nicole to research hydroponics so I can grow food year round. I also order a hand tailor bench and a heater constructed, just hope the wood generators have enough juice to keep us running.
All I can really do at this point is hope the cold-snap ends in time for me to get another set of crops planted and at least one or two good harvests to stockpile food. If we can convince Ash to join our intrepid crew her growing skills will be very helpful, for now we'll just have to see. Nicole for her part researches late into the night whilst Angel thinks playing horse-shoes in the driving snow is just the fun she needs right now (she does have the psycho trait but who am I to judge.)
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Snow everywhere! |
Day 11
Another day, yet the cold-snap is still persisting and has done for three days now as Syd cooks some of our meager meat supply into a couple of meals and Angel goes hunting for more deer. I've genuinely never had a cold snap happen in the middle of summer so this is looking a little bleak for the three colonists, Syd opts to meditate on it in her room for some reason.
As if by some bizarre miracle the cold snap ended about an hour after that meaning I can see light at the end of the tunnel, time to start planting ladies! Or at least that is what I tried to nudge them into doing but such is the nature of Rimworld. For now I start looking at where I am going to build this greenhouse for the hydroponics, I am thinking to the south below the fields. I don't really want to build it out of wood so a stone-cutter's table also gets placed in the main colony building so I can turn these chunks into usable materials.
Things are at least looking up for now, we were six meals away from starvation or worse. If only Angel would stop being so stubborn and actually start planting the fields rather than doing everything but, I think she's annoyed with me for some reason.
Nicole once again tries to convince Ash to join our little crew and I am seriously hoping she can do that soon. Ash has some seriously good growing skills meaning between her and Angel I may not only be able to get all the fields planted fast but I may even get more than one harvest from each which will keep us going through winter when it hits.
Just when I thought things were looking up Nicole decided to hurl insults at Syd as she went to bed and the two now class as rivals. Just my luck.
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Ash still needs a lot of convincing to join it would appear, can't say I blame her. |
Day 12
Well, at least this day starts off relatively well with Angel getting up bright and early and finally getting to work planting the fields rather than ignoring my gentle nudging. Not quite out of the woods yet mind you as we are still critically short of meals meaning at least one deer a day has to keep us going until the crops start growing. Angel for her part actually quite smartly planted the whole corn field first, as that will take longest to grow but give the highest yield, a full harvest of that may well see us through the winter.
Ash seems to be slowly coming around to the idea of joining my motley band of misfits but Nicole has thus far been unable to convince her completely, whilst she will be an extra mouth to feed I really really need her growing and animal skills right now. I also set the remainder of the deer herd to be hunted as well as every small animal on the map I can find, until these crops grow meat is the only kind of food I have access to aside from berries.
Scouring the map one final time just in case there are one or two survival meals laying about I also set about designating every single berry bush I can find to be harvested. Every last scrap of food is now going to be needed or this colony won't survive til winter much less last through it.
Looking at my options I think it's going to be critical to get a hydroponics area set-up to supplement the food supply during non-growing months. I think I am also going to consider planting yet another field even if just temporarily, rice being the best bet as it's fast growing if I can even get one or two harvests from it then it will be worth it.
Hunting options are thinning out fast, the deer herd is all but gone on there are only a handful of other animals on the map not counting the Muffalo herd, they however are my reserve option. The main idea for them is to eventually tame them for their wool and milk but as I'd need to be able to feed them too, well, I can barely feed my colonists at the moment. Animal's do migrate onto the map but I can't really rely on it, if needs be they'll need to be hunted for food.
As if reading my mind Angel ends her day praying in her room, not something I expected her to be doing but there you have it.
It's rarely been this much of a roller coaster this early on in most of my Rimworld games to date so I hope you are all enjoying it thus far. Will the Fox Republic manage to prepare for winter successfully? You'll just have to keep reading but for now that ends part four, thank you to everyone for reading!
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Things have finally thawed out but is the damage already done? |
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