"The entire board room was silent, eyes glued to the display showing a live feed from the first fleet. It was a rare thing indeed for the board members to be silent, their eyes fixed on the mystery before them. Only the background chatter from the fleet could be heard as they attempted to hail the mysterious object to no avail, scans of it likewise proved to be futile. No propulsion or weapons of any known design could be detected and it's design was like nothing they had come across before. The fact this particular mystery had landed on their front door-step was unsettling for many, an ominous shape hanging in the sky above the homeworld that could be seen even during daylight hours. A curfew was enforced to keep order as the Cartel prepared for the worst from this strange visitor, only time would tell if this was a boon or a disaster waiting to happen."
Stardate: 23-06-2309
Here we are once again at the helm of the burgeoning Fox Cartel, so let's see what fun we can have today shall we? I feel that once our two new star bases are a little more upgraded and our fleet fully reinforced we go knock on the Uriy Suns front door for a donation. I will have to for now at least, continue selling excess minerals to buy alloys to do this but better that than waiting for my pitiful alloy production to catch up.
Meanwhile our scientists on Blissful Elysium, the home of our void portal, have found a way to potentially improve it's dark matter output though I find myself a bit wary let us see what happens. Poking it with a stick for science! It will put our engineering project on hold but I think more dark-matter will be a good thing, we may need it later.
I drop about 1500 alloys into reinforcing the first fleet which is about half of what is needed for it's planned size so we'll definitely going to war in this part I think. For now I just make sure all my colonies have enough jobs and housing for their current needs, only Hades needs more jobs though so I upgrade the holo-theatres, should stop them being so grumpy. As soon as I get some more energy credits I am going to make sure all the tile blockers I can clear on all my planets are done, more space for more stuff and more foxes to make more stuff, the equation of victory!
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The Cartel hurries a caravaneer fleet out of it's space. |
The Numistic Order caravaneers try to hawk their dodgy wares in Cartel space, I think not move along before we charge you a transit fee. I am once again running out of rare crystals but rather than using the market I think it's time I built a synthetic crystal plant on Hades so I can remove my dependence on the market. Lycaon Prime meanwhile looks like it could be either a fantastic city world or a mining world, so let's work toward the mining option by dropping a city district and a mining district in the build queue.
The Physics division finishes improving our orbital research stations and as we are now preparing for a more immediate war let's get them researching advanced combat roles to improve our ships. The society division finishes not long after, so for the future I get them working on the off-world trading company, not all our star bases will be battle-stations or shipyards in the end.
One of our science ships which I had set to passive rather than evasive stance made a bit of a blunder that proved enlightening. It stumbled into Dyss Marauder space and the brief glimpse it showed was terrifying, vast fleets of ships and huge stations filled the system and were at a brief scan massively more powerful than the entire Fox Cartel military combined, so maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to keep paying them off.
The Homolog Continuum had been quiet for a while so I guess we were due so robotic insanity at some point, they want us to colonise a specific planet.
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These weird robots either know something we don't or they are a few thousand years shy on maintenance. |
After a brief glance around I find the world they are referring to, a size-12 tomb world in Cartel space, uh, that is not exactly habitable. A tomb world is basically a world in the midst of a nuclear winter, I could terraform it I guess so I just agree to colonise it and shrug. The Oligarch has a look of mild confusion on his face but that is par for the course with our interactions with the Homolog Continuum. They sure are a strange bunch and I can't help but feel they are either glitched or there is something they know that we don't.
Whilst the Cartel gears up for another war with the Uriy Suns something even more curious than the Homolog Continuum's random requests occurs. A ship unlike any design the Cartel has encountered to date makes it's way through one of the systems on the edge of their territory, it doesn't seem hostile so the outpost ignores it and monitors it's course.
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A strange tube shaped object enters Cartel space. |
Initially it was thought to be moving through Cartel space but it moves deeper into it passing the battle-station in the Janna system then moves on to the Voldox system. Realising it's on a direct course for the Capella system and the home-world the first fleet initially preparing to move to it's staging area in Janna remains in Capella as the strange ship approaches. The first fleet moves into a defensive position in orbit over Vulpinus as we await the arrival of this rapidly approaching mystery.
As was expected upon entering the home-system it is on direct course for Vulpinus, all attempts at hailing the object have little effect and the first fleet readies itself to open fire should it attempt to land on the planet.
The society divisions head scientist simply decides to improve worker jobs output as the next project, the Oligarch clearly more concerned with the rapidly approaching object toward the Cartel's seat of power.
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The first fleet hangs in orbit over Vulpinus to defend it as the strange object continues it's ominously silent approach. |
The tube-like ship simply stops in orbit, surrounded by the entire Cartel fleet with every weapon trained on it's oddly shaped hull. Understandably the scientists want to study it and the military want to blow it up. It's clearly very advanced so a military engagement may be futile so the Cartel opt to study it, hoping to perhaps glean some technological insight from it.
The first fleet remains in orbit regardless as the engineering division prepares to research this strange visitor. For now though that draws today's part to a close it ended up being interesting in a way I couldn't have predicted!
I hope you enjoyed reading and I thank you for taking the time to do so! Remember I welcome all feedback, messages, chat, tips and the like here or on twitter so don't be afraid to send a message. Til next time fox fans!
If you missed the last part, find it here!
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