Wednesday 5 December 2018

Let's Play: Rimworld - Part 2 A Shaky Start

"What we had assumed was a relatively peaceful section of forest quickly proved too good to be true for our husky, Isis. We only saw the first of the two cougars, a pair of silent killing machines that saw us as little more than food. The sense of elation and triumph as the first beast fell was cut short as the angry barks of Isis were the only warning her had before we knew there was even a second one. Whilst she fought bravely we could not save her from its jaws, rest in peace Isis."

Day 4

Before my colonists even awake on day four the visitor decided to leave a gift of four pieces of gold, that goes some way to make up for Isis being munched on by a cougar. I also decide to put a roof over the stone building my colonists are currently sleeping in, I feel that may make a good prison area but that's to worry about later. Naming the settlement and faction was easy enough so from now on we shall be 'The Republic of Fox' and our settlement will be called 'The Foxhole' names that likely won't surprise anyone but still!

The dining area is starting to take shape at last and just as Angel and Syd begin working on some wood-fired generators yet more visitors arrive from another settlement, a good eight of them. Luckily they are friendly but I won't be interacting with them much this time.

Visitors, lots of visitors.. Good thing they are friendly.

With a pair of generators now up and the freezers coolers being built it means I can more easily stockpile food ahead of the brutal winters in though not starting with the battery technology unlocked was a little jarring, we shall adapt.

Whoops, after sending Syd and Angel to deconstruct some ship parts for more components a mad squirrel attacked and wounded Syd taking several bites and scratches on her arms and legs. Ouch. Those visitors proved more fortuitous than I thought as they rushed to Syd's aid and took care of the squirrel. I'm sure that'll give them plenty to joke about when they get back home, poor Syd.  The end of day four sees Angel patching Syd up and taking her a meal to aid in her recovery whilst Nicole opts to begin research on getting us batteries to store excess power which is going to be vital.

Day 5

I start off this day by throwing down another nine by nine growing zone for corn whilst a recovering Syd heads to the south to break down the ship part she was chased off from yesterday (yes I know it was a squirrel.) She does however sense and ancient danger when she moves past a structure built into the mountain to the south so I am not going anywhere near that place. Hopefully someone will decide to finish the actual beds today as sleeping on the floor is making Nicole particularly grouchy.

Angel opts to finish planting the rice field and begin on the cornfield which is good as I think we may even get two harvests out of each field before the temperature drops. Though I am not sure how much more will happen today due to Syd having to stop to rest so often due to her wounds from the previous day however she does finish healing near the end so that is good, if she'd died to a squirrel that'd have been humiliating.

Not the most eventful of days but that in itself can be a good thing in Rimworld at times, I feel perhaps I have piled too many work orders on which is why the beds still are not finished. I also need to start considering defences, as it's usually at about this point an angry pirate with a stick shows up. Warm clothes are also going to be very much needed but one step at a time for now.

Things are slowly taking shape.

Day 6

And with day six rolling around Syd is actually first to rise likely due to all the extra sleeping she did yesterday, she will be chopping down trees to ensure we have enough wood to keep our generators going and to finish the basics of our first building. With all three colonists now up and about there are many trees being felled whilst Syd busies herself finally building the beds, Angel opts to try her hand at researching over Nicole for some reason but so long as it gets done.

Well, I saw that coming a pirate raid a single pirate called Ash armed with a club seems to have taken offence to all the noise we are making. I briefly considered bashing her over the head and taking her prisoner in an attempt to convince him to join us but a brief look at her bio and skills I am not so sure. Good with animals and plants, we'll have to see how this goes I am not really in a position to risk my colonists too much at this stage.

A pirate armed with a club named Ash. Brave or foolhardy? 

I draft Angel and Nicole and begin moving them toward Ash's position to intercept her, so long as she doesn't get too badly wounded or outright killed I think I may try and convince her to join the Republic of Fox.

She took a few shots but Ash collapsed in pain rather than die outright, with Angel taking a bruise to the shoulder in the process so I opt to capture her after assigning the spare fourth bedroom as a prisoner room for the time being. We'll have to see if we can convince Ash joining us is in her best interests.

That is of course if she survives and recovers from her wounds and Nicole our resident warden can sway her. The end of day six was a lot more eventful, it would appear as both the stove and butchers table were constructed, all the beds are up so the next day it'll likely be sprucing things up, placing defences and starting to work toward building up a health food stockpile to survive the winter.

I hope you are all enjoying this so far, watch this space for the next part!

With Ash in custody and everyone happily sleeping in their own rooms, things are going well!

If you missed Part 1 you can read it Here!

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