Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Let's Play Stellaris - Story Interlude - Crossroads
The entire conference room was pitch black save for the light cast from a holographic display of the galaxy, there was naught but silence however as the implications of what had just been seen weighed heavy on those present. It was the Oligarch himself who was first to break the silence, a silence which was an unusual occurrence in the Cartel's main conference room.
"Show us again." The terse foxes old reply earning a nervous nod as the holographic simulation was reverted to it's original state.
The multi-coloured three-dimensional image marked out the various galactic powers and their territories as they stood at this very moment, with the greenish-grey of the Fox Cartel already overshadowed by surrounding empires. Time lapsed on the simulated display in increments of a year with the Cartel growing slowly to the galactic north and east into a waning Unified Uriy Suns, that however wasn't what held the gaze of every leading Cartel official.
As the simulation progressed two large federations formed essentially carving the galaxy into two distinct power blocs, another fifty years showed them both eroding the border systems of the Cartel. Two hundred and the Cartel was predicted quite ominously to be no-more, the display was flicked off, as the conference rooms tinted main window automatically faded to allow the light of the Capella star back in.
Tense looks passed between the many gathered officials, generals, admirals, scientists and all others of relevance or prominence within the Cartel's mildly convoluted hierarchy. The Oligarch himself pushed himself up from his seat, walking toward the window overlooking the civilisation they had constructed. Orderly lines of shuttles, transport ships and luxury vessels moved to and fro from the various space ports as the people below went about their every-day lives.
He caught the sight of his reflection, his official uniform immaculate as ever, orange and grey with the ever fashionable gold trim was off-set by the greying fur at his muzzle, he'd seen much in his tenure as Oligarch but now the Cartel faced it's largest threat yet. Irrelevance. Turning back toward the assembled leadership of the Cartel the Oligarch spoke, his voice measured and every syllable carefully weighed and considered.
"We stand at a crossroads, a choice that could see us either thrive or perish much as our ancestors faced in their struggle against corrupt governments of our ancient past. Your thoughts?" Many of the officials glances at one another, seeing whom among them would speak up first it was the admiral of the first fleet who did so.
"Let us finish off the Uriy Suns, then use their territory and people to our advantage. Surely it's our best hope, what other option is there?" There was a murmur of approval among the other department heads. It was true that the Cartel was ship for ship very powerful in comparison to all but the reclusive Yeon Progenitors or the warlike marauders.
The lead sociologist, whom had lead the project to essentially predict the future as best they could, cleared his throat as if nervous of speaking in any degree of contradiction to the admiral. "I'm.. Afraid to say we.. Accounted for that as well.. It would simply take too long to leverage the advantage any new territory would offer us.. Perhaps if we focused on a more.. Defensive stratagem?"
The admiral shook his head with a look of disgust painted across his features that not even the handful of scars could hide as the two engaged in a heated back and forth soon drawing both sides of the conference table into an ever escalating shouting match.
"Enough." The Oligarch's commanding tone stopped the talking dead with every single official dropping back into their seats as the Oligarch paced around, his mind clearly at work.
"I do not doubt our military might nor the ability of the first fleet itself admiral but we have prosecuted two wars against the Uriy Suns already and made little impact despite our technological advantage." A subtle hint of a sigh punctured the normally emotionless exterior before he continued.
"If we can barely defeat a solitary independent neighbour, what hope would we have defeating a united multi-racial federation? No, we need an entirely different approach my friends." As if to add more gravitas or perhaps just some dramatic tension the Oligarch slowly walked back to the head of the conference table and sat down.
"We risk becoming a foot-note in history, another civilisation eroded into irrelevance by the inexorable march of time. So what I propose is a radical departure from our current policies, to better position ourselves to not merely survive but thrive in a rapidly changing galaxy."
Most of the gathered officials looked at each other slightly confused, the Oligarch waiting, choosing his words carefully given how controversial this decision was likely to be especially with the aggressive tendencies of their military.
"What I propose is that we join one of these federations until such a time as we have the means to strike out on our own again. If we can't beat them, join them, then leverage our vast underworld connections to take control from the shadows when the time is right. Questions?"
There were a few moments of tension that had the guards at the door fidget nervously as the atmosphere became palpable as the gathered leadership looked among themselves as if seeing whom among them was brave or foolhardy enough to question their leader. Of course most of them knew better than that and most were able to see the advantages over any sense of pride, satisfied that no-one else had a better idea he continued.
"Very well, you will receive your order shortly. Let us get this done." Everyone but the Oligarch gathered themselves up, talking and murmuring to aids and among themselves in pairs as they left the office. A single paw swiped across the comm panel set into the conference table.
"Put me in touch with the leader of the Alvothari Hegemony." Now all that remained was to convince them that their criminal empire was a worthwhile addition to their federation rather than a rival whom sought to conquer their worlds. For now at least.
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