"The Unified Uriy Suns, the longest standing rival of the Fox Cartel had proven time and again to be stubborn and the second war was doing little to disprove that fact. What they lacked in technological sophistication they more than made up for with sheer weight of numbers which blunted the technological edge the Cartel possessed over them. It was going to take more than military might to convince the Uriy Suns to accept subsidiary status. They would succeed eventually, it was only a matter of time now."
Stardate: 24-01-2323
So here we are again, aiding the Cartel's bid to become a galaxy spanning crime syndicate after leaving off just as we kicked off the second war with the Uriy Suns. We currently have the first fleet in orbit of the planet Flerm (not Flem I misread it last time) bombarding it ahead of a ground invasion. Now I likely have more than enough troops to take it regardless but I don't really want to take too many losses, so I'll just soften them up a bit first.
Whilst all that is happening the wheels of science continue to turn with the engineering division finishing the crystal mines tech. Let's just get them improving our orbital mining stations again as that is where a vast majority of our resources come from still.
A small Uriy Suns fleet attacks an outpost on the outer edge of Cartel space, not really a concern to me as I doubt they'll get deeper in and their war exhaustion is already at 30% (Compared to the Cartel's 12%.) Plus I can just take them back on my way toward the rest of the Uriy Suns star systems.
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A small Uriy Suns fleet attempts to retake one of their outposts. |
After bombarding two of the garrison armies out of existence Cartel forces land, at the cost of two armies we occupy the planet successfully. The first fleet moves out to try and engage that small fleet before making their way deeper into the Uriy Suns empire. Meanwhile the enigmatic cache in orbit of Vulpinus leaves as quickly and quietly as it had arrived, luckily it didn't explode, poison people or turn the entire population into zombies.
The first fleet happily romps through Uriy Suns space with minimal opposition beyond the token resistance of outposts along the way, either they never fully recovered from the first war or their fleet is hiding somewhere. Meanwhile more science goodness in the form of positronic AI for extra research speed is always a plus from the physics department, so let's set them to improving our shields even further.
It seems like it was a correct assumption that the main Uriy Suns fleet was hiding somewhere as they appear in a system to the north in the Homolog Continuum, so let's divert the first fleet to intercept. Luckily you don't destroy star-bases you occupy them so the star-base in that system should hopefully hold them in place long enough for the first fleet to begin a vigorous asset liquidation program for them.
My initial assumption they were going to try and retake Flerm appeared to have been mistaken as the Uriy Suns fleet vanishes off sensors again, very strange. I guess they know they would never really win a straight up fight given the first fleet is estimated to be 3 times more powerful so they are just trying to run up the war exhaustion. So let's send the first fleet back to knocking down outposts for now.
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The first fleet moves to pursue one of the larger enemy fleets. |
We get to choose another tradition meanwhile, the final one in the supremacy tree increasing star-base damage, reducing their cost and granting us war doctrines and an ascension perk for finishing the tree. The ascension perk is an easy pick this time, voidborne, allowing us to build habitats is too good to pass up. We have plenty of planets we can put them in orbit of as well meaning we have our next long-term goal at least.
The society research department meanwhile finishes off the ministry of production and finally gives us a population growth speed tech among our next choices, where was that a hundred years ago? Honestly you just can't get the staff these days.
After flattening a small star-base the first fleet enters orbit of the colony Klegg to bombard it when sensors finally catch sight of the Uriy Suns main fleet. Not unsurprisingly in orbit of their capital but upon detecting the first fleet they actually move to engage the Cartel taking the admiral a little by surprise given their tactics to date.
What ensues is the largest military engagement in Cartel history as the first fleet and Uriy Suns fleet crash into one another weapons blazing. Cunning class corvettes swoop through the Uriy Suns ships at point blank range as the destroyers hammer them with plasma fire, fighters from the Sylo-class cruisers darting in and out for attack runs as a ballet of chaos and fire ensues. The first fleet suffers some minor losses, three corvettes and a destroyer succumbed to enemy fire but the Uriy Suns came off far worse. Three destroyers and twelve corvettes were destroyed driving them off fairly decisively and allowing them to resume their bombardment of the colony.
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The largest space battle in Cartel history takes place. |
With only a single garrisoned army defending it I only wait until the transports arrive before moving the fleet toward it's next objective. As expected the colony falls in a matter of days with the next target all too clear, their capital. What's left of their fleet retreated there but even with a star-base backing them up the odds are definitely not in their favour. The ensuing battle utterly devastates the Uriy Suns fleet, for a paltry cost of two corvettes the first fleet destroyed two cruisers, eight corvettes and six destroyers as they resume their bombardment of the capital.
With the war progressing in the Cartel's favour the engineering division adds the cherry on top with another finished tech, they get sent off to improve our city districts housing capacity for now. Much to every ones surprise the Uriy Suns try to ambush the first fleet as they bombard the capital claiming a handful of corvettes before being utterly annihilated this makes the oligarch change his posture somewhat. Ordering an indiscriminate bombardment of their capital which doesn't break their morale as much as hoped as the Uriy Suns retake Klegg from the Cartel.
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The first fleets corvettes swarm around a Uriy Suns star-base. |
Many more smaller skirmishes ensue as the first fleet tries to mop up the Uriy Suns fleet and are ordered to retake any occupied systems before any negotiations take place. More research finishes among the engineering department so let's get them improving our mineral purification hubs.
Whilst we can't hold on to their capital as the remains of their fleet retake it and our war exhaustion is now creeping up the Cartel settles for a status quo meaning both sides take any systems they managed to occupy. Which means due to the first fleets recall to clear up, the Uriy Suns get nothing whilst the Cartel claims three systems and their colonised planet in Peya.
It's a victory though not quite as decisive as I would have liked, despite our technological superiority the Uriy Suns are a stubborn bunch of fungus people but we gave them a bloody nose at least (if they have noses.) Even despite the loss in territory and the amount of ships lost they are still rated as nearly the Cartels equal much to the Oligarchs chagrin.
Just as we draw this part to a close pirates once again pop up in Cartel space leading me to believe we need a station to protect our trade-routes or a small corvette fleet to patrol to suppress them. For now though I hope you enjoyed the read, keep your eyes peeled for more soon!