Tuesday 17 April 2018

World of Tanks - My Thoughts on Japanese Heavies So Far

A Very Large Gold and Artillery Magnet!

I may only be so far along in the Japanese heavy tank line as tier 7 but since getting the first of the so called 'Super Heavy' tanks at tier 5 I have noticed two things that seem consistent.

First off, on anything but a city map you are usually priority target #1 for any and all artillery in place which is much more irritating as you go up the tiers.

Secondly rather than trying to flank you most people just load up premium ammunition and render their decent frontal armour almost irrelevant.

Do I think they are bad tanks? Not really but they are very much all or nothing machines. You either creep forwards blasting away and running up a cricket score or you get spotted and pulverised by artillery and end up doing almost no damage. Maps that feature lots of hills or open ground can be particularly trying when there are 2 or 3 artillery on the enemy team but city maps are a lot of fun.

I have never really agreed with premium ammunition on the whole and feel that it should do less damage than standard ammunition to compensate for the increased penetration (as I highly doubt wargaming will go removing it.) That however is an entirely other blog post.

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