"To say the Cartel military got practically giddy at the prospect of armed conflict would be understating it by no small margin. The report from the science ship was garbled as they were too busy evading hostile fire to even bother examining the hostiles but that didn't stop an impassioned plea from the military leadership for more funds. A new ship was designed and several assembled, crews trained as the Fox Cartel military prepares for it's first military encounter."
Stardate: 13-06-2207
So we begin this episode preparing a fleet to take on those unruly blighters who scared off one of my science ships. I didn't get a good look at what they were which means I will adopt the policy of overwhelming force and smush them good and proper. I set my science ships on a different path to keep them surveying rather than cowering. The construction ship has enough to do claiming systems with outposts and building mining and research bases meaning for now things will just tick over, so let's have a look at the system these hostiles are in.
It appears to be about 1k fleet power which is not something I can easily reach with current available tech and I don't really want to throw away my ships this early on as alloys are slow to acquire. Much as the Cartel military is chomping at the bit to get to the conquering and space battles they'll just have to wait til we have better equipment. For now though I pause society research in favour of investigating these new neighbours designated 'alpha aliens'.
Another tradition can now be selected so I just continue down the discovery traditions selecting the science division tradition. Now this one is super helpful, an extra two levels to the max level for scientists but more importantly an extra research alternative meaning we'll have four options instead of three each time we choose what to research next.
Some good news however, whilst surveying a black hole system dubbed Eternal Horizon, we stumble across a source of dark matter (a strategic resource) as well as a level five anomaly, why do I feel nervous about that? We also finish investigating our uppity neighbours who scared off the science ship and find them to be ancient mining drones, so I approve the special project to study them, even if my generals whine they don't get to blow something up.
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One of the Cartel's science ships scanning Eternal Horizon, a nearby black hole. |
After spending a good year and a bit scanning the black hole my scientists determine it's just a bit 'wobbly' but on the plus side it means it gives more physics research, nine in total now, I'll take it! And then two factions form within the cartel simultaneously, the Committee of High Technology who basically want us to research the galaxy to death and the Battle Brethren who want us to explode the galaxy to death. So far they are both fairly content so for now I'll leave them be.
I continue to lament the lack of any suitable habitable planets though just as another tradition choice pops up, again, the discovery trees next option is chosen. Polytechnic Education, more leader experience and a higher level cap for leaders, always a plus. Kind of glad I didn't pick expansion as my first as right now there are no planets save that one the Cartel turned it's nose up at.
For now though it's been another quiet part to this Stellaris let's play but just hang in there, the space battles, galactic rivalries and other fun will come, just stick with me people! Thanks for reading though and as always I welcome all feedback either on here or twitter, don't be afraid to let me know what you think or throw ideas and suggestions out.
Keep an eye out for the next part soon!
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The Cartel as it stands right now, one planet and six star systems. |