"The escape pod, no better than a rattling tin coffin built by the lowest bidder and the kind of thing you never hope to have need of. The burning heat of reentry turns the metal casket into a small oven, boiling heat churning around like liquid as the poorly fitted heat shield struggles, the whole pod shuddering so hard you worry you might lose a few teeth. All you can do is hope, pray, beg and hope the universe spares you as you grip the harness in white knuckled terror. Then as your eyes wince shut fearing you will be dashed against the planets surface the braking thrusters fire a split second before impact, throwing your shoulders hard into the harness, it seems the universe doesn't want to end your thread just yet..."
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A safe landing, now where to begin? |
Day 1
So it finally begins! First things first though I take a look around the map in an attempt to find a good place to start building, main priorities at the start are food, shelter and then electricity. With a small lake and a large tract of land just to the right of my starting area I think that is as good a spot as any, there's a sizable mountain that will help cut down any angles of attack as well. So now I just scour the map and make sure to un-forbid my starting supplies there's often a few extra survival meals lurking around. Seems our first pet is a female husky called Isis bonded with Syd our non-combat capable colonist, that may actually be pretty useful if we can train her to protect Syd.
I also make sure to give Angel the rifle as she is my main hunter and best shooter and Nicole the pistol, Syd will remain unarmed the knife I can save for someone else later. Next I'll be setting out a basic wooden building with four rooms, three of them will be bedrooms with the fourth larger one being a sort of dining/crafting/research area. Luckily there's a small stone building near to where I am building so for the first day or two my colonists sleeping spots will be in there, it'll stop them complaining about sleeping outside. With the basic layout planned I am going to throw in a couple of modest growing areas as well, 9x9 potatoes in one and rice in another, with this being a boreal forest map stockpiling for winter is going to be pretty darned crucial.
For now I am going to leave work priorities on automatic but I'll likely tinker with them as soon as the initial base area is constructed and the basics are in place. I opted to add a fourth bedroom which will act as either a medical bed or prisoner room, likely the former. I placed the stockpile behind the main building with a dumping stockpile for animal bodies next to it, roofing it is key as it stops supplies from deteriorating. So day one draws to a close with things off to a decent start!
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Humble beginnings. |
Day 2
This day should see the main building constructed with some certainty and it'll be time to build beds, tables and chairs and then begin working on a freezer for storing food. That in itself will require power, a couple of wood-fired generators and four batteries should be enough for that but first things first. A stove, butchers table, research table, dining table and chairs will be added into the main room with a bed for each of the four rooms as well.
Angel appears to be the go-to for doing most everything at the moment which I probably should have known but I think I may hold off on going too crazy with new build orders until she's got at least one or two of the fields planted. It's a good thing she sleeps more quickly than the other two, the lazy bums! There is now also a cougar roaming around which is making me decidedly nervous, get out of my base.. It has decided that Isis our pet husky looks like a good snack. Not good. Let's hope Angel can kill it otherwise Syd (and me) will be a little upset.
Disaster, there were actually two cougars and whilst Isis fought bravely she sadly perished before Angel and Nicole could fend it off. They did however manage to kill both of them before Isis became a meal, rough start to day two. So much for the idea of training her to defend Syd later on.
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Rest in peace, Isis. |
Luckily there are plenty of trees around though Syd is so slow at cutting them down once again Angel seems to be doing most of the work, I may need to switch to manual priorities to even out who is doing what. Things are starting to slowly take shape at least by the end of a slightly unfortunate day two, RIP Isis.
Day 3
No surprise Angel is up bright and early and moving to begin planting the two fields, the more food I can stockpile ahead of the winter the better as they are pretty brutal in a boreal forest biome. I decide to quickly throw in a horseshoe pin for some recreation as Nicole and Syd are getting a little grouchy, it should suffice at least for now whilst I am still trying to establish myself.
The building I will be using for my freezer to store food has also started, I kept it roughly 10x10 which will likely need two coolers to drop it below freezing to keep food from spoiling. Expanding the roof area over the stockpile and the right side of the main building near the mountain so as to stop the batteries I will build there shorting out in the rain. Syd after taking a long walk late into the night is still sleeping meaning Angel and Nicole are doing all the work.
The main structures are now up at least now it's just a case of building the beds so I can get rid of the 'slept outdoors' mood debuff as Nicole is getting extra cranky now. The research table now going down so I can start researching batteries which is going to be important to keep the freezer from shutting off. Whilst I let everything I have already set to build finish however a friendly visitor from a nearby settlement arrived, Alogo. Not really much I plan to do about them at this stage but I'm just glad it's not a pirate raid.
With the potato field fully planted now and the rice field starting at the end of day three with only really the beds and tables left I figure now is as good a time as any to end part one of this Rimworld Let's Play.
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How my colony is looking on the end of day 3! |